Who is Soulcare MKE?
Soulcare MKE LLC has been developed by
Laura Gilmartin Hancock.
Laura has been aware of, and paying attention to, her spiritual journey for more than thirty years. She has noticed that, at times, the path of her soul has been tumultuous,
as though she has been passing through a violent storm.
At other times, her soul’s path has been… almost without a path;
she has simply noticed a sense of spaciousness,
of tender care, of gentle presence, and clarity.
Each phase of her soul’s journey has been one of
transformation towards deeper authenticity.
She believes that your soul is also finding its way.
As a spiritual companion, Laura’s lens of accompaniment began during a year of service with the Colorado Vincentian Volunteers, which was then followed by 20 years serving as an alternative educator, theology teacher, and campus minister in a variety of school settings. Her heart resonates particularly well with people who find themselves navigating transformational experiences, including the transformative work of establishing one’s identity as a young adult, or those who are being changed by the transformative work of social justice, or those whose very spirituality seems to be undergoing a transformation. She finds the spiritual work of navigating the edges of institutions, society, and one’s own heart to be particularly fascinating, challenging, and life-giving.
Laura believes that the work of social justice, including racial healing and interfaith understanding, can expand our ability to love, transform our own lives, and create a more whole society. Laura’s ministry of presence enables her to accompany individuals and groups as they search for, become aware of, and experience God’s presence, both in moments of deep heartbreak or injustice and overwhelming joy. She loves to listen for the movement of Spirit as people talk about the details of their real, everyday lives. Her primary experience in faith communities has been in the Roman Catholic tradition but she delights in experiencing the wisdom held within all communities of faith and belief. Laura desires for Soulcare MKE to be a safe and affirming space for the BIPOC and LGBTQIA communities, who have often been hindered from full access to these spiritual care resources.
Laura has offered numerous retreats, workshops, and experiences of pilgrimage, including a collaborative Civil Rights Pilgrimage for high school youth. Her educational background includes formation in spiritual direction with the Midwest Province of Jesuits and Loyola University of Chicago, a Master of Arts in Lay Ministry from Cardinal Stritch University, a Master of Science in the Cultural Foundations of Education from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, and a Bachelor of Music in Music Education from the State University of New York College at Fredonia. Laura was recognized as a Vatican II Award recipient in 2020 for her commitment to interfaith relationships.
Laura is based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and is happy to meet people in person or virtually. People from any location are encouraged to engage Soulcare MKE through video conferencing or by hosting an event in your location. Laura would absolutely love to help you care for your soul.
This is: Soulcare MKE.